Innovative Roll Handling Equipment Can Boost Safety and Save Energy

Safety and energy savings are both critical topics when it comes to paper mill operations. First and most important is operator safety, as working with moving products and machinery can lead to potentially hazardous situations. Second, the product uptime in conjunction with machinery safety is very important to daily operations. Damaged equipment can cause production stops that lead to high costs. Moreover, damage to paper rolls can result in poor product performance and monetary losses. Energy savings have also become increasingly important to profitability, especially in the current global energy crisis.
One company developing innovative roll handling solutions is Finnish company MoveRoll Oy. MoveRoll’s unique roll handling equipment offers several benefits for system integrators and paper mills.
By Jonis Mahmutllari
Sales manager, Europe, MoveRoll Oy
EPIQ Machinery is a Strategic Partner and approved North America distributor/integrator of MoveRoll system.
Read the full article: Paper360 (PPIS) – March/April 2024 – Innovative Roll Handling Equipment Can Boost Safety and Save Energy (